New Moral Order™


Definition of the terms “Fifth Column Globalism” & “Fifth Column Globalist”




[ fifth koluhm gloh-buh-liz-uhm, fifth koluhm gloh-buh-list ]

Summary Definition of “Fifth Column Globalism”

Fifth Column Globalism refers to the systematic infiltration of institutions within Nation States by agents and agencies of globalism, in order to economically, culturally and politically undermine and ultimately collapse each Nation State from within.

Full Definition of “Fifth Column Globalism” and “Fifth Column Globalist”

Fifth Column Globalism refers to the systematic infiltration of institutions within Nation States by agents and agencies of globalism, in order to economically, culturally and politically undermine and ultimately collapse each Nation State from within.

A Fifth Column Globalist refers to an individual agent of globalism, such as a politician, media hack or celebrity, who either knowingly or naively promotes globalist agendas and policies, above and beyond the interests of the indigenous citizenry of a Nation State.

A Fifth Column Globalist institution or agency may refer to any corporate or collective body that chiefly promotes one of more agendas of globalism. The key elements of society, in which such agencies of Fifth Column Globalism operate, are the areas of: social justice – known as Social Destruction Movements (SDMs); NGOs – known as Globalist Non-Democratic Organisations (GNOs); and of course, finance and economics – via the banksters’ private central banking system.

Fifth Column Globalism was initiated in earnest in the first half of the 20th century, mainly in the USA, Great Britain and Europe. It initially targeted the Catholic Church and State education for infiltration by its agents, via Catholic seminaries and the teachers’ unions. This spearheaded the complete takeover of the world’s largest religion and persistently increasing control of those institutions that would educate (indoctrinate) all future generations of the western world to unquestioningly believe in marxist-globalist ideology and to blindly follow and support globalist political, social and economic policy.

In the second half of that century, Fifth Column Globalism expanded its reach to all unions, and all organised religions, but it mostly focused on directly infiltrating governments. It did so in three ways.


Firstly, Fifth Column Globalists infiltrated the civil service (government bureaucracy) from the ground up, just as they had done as priests in the Catholic church and as teachers in schools and universities.

Secondly, globalist-controlled political GNOs were utilised, such as the UN, the EU, the CFR, Chatham House, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome (manufactured ‘climate change’ and ‘sustainable development’), the WEF, the WHO etc, in order to replace western democracy and the political and legal sovereignty of the Nation Sate with a non-democratic, transnational corporate alternative.

These were mostly headquartered in Switzerland, and generally from Geneva, but in conjunction with their own ‘sovereign city states’, aka ‘Empire of the the Three Cities’ (the City of London, the Vatican and Washington D.C.), and the autonomous United Nations building in New York, alongside other globalist political outposts such as the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

Thirdly, ‘alphabet agencies’, aka ‘3-letter agencies’ or secret service (intelligence) agencies, were established by members of the main power families of the parasitic class in conjunction with occult (satanic cult) groups largely centred around the ‘irregular’ freemasonic lodges, and the jewish and Italian mob (predominantly in the US). This occurred first in England with British Intelligence being founded in collaboration with the already well-established occult breeding ground of Cambridge University and the satanic aristocracy and monarchy of that country.

Closely following this, from 1947-48 onwards, mostly satanic families and freemasons of the parasitic class in the US, in conjunction with the usual central banking and transnational dynasties, formed the CIA (1947), the Air Force ISR (1948), the NSA (1952), the DIA (1961), the National Reconnaissance Office (1961), the IRS (1962), and other black project agencies with restricted government oversight or no oversight whatsoever.

From this ‘fifth column control’ of military intelligence, the takeover of the higher ranks of the general military was made easier, with a focus on control of military bases for the manufacturing of DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), in order to operate in total secrecy from even those at the highest levels of government who had not been coopted or compromised by Fifth Column Globalism.

The navy branch of the military, and particularly the US Navy, was the main target of the Fifth Column Globalists because of its capacity to operate completely under the ‘law of the sea’, and in any area of the globe, which was a great advantage to the globalists’ international criminal activities.


The false paradigm of ‘national security’ peddled by the Alphabet agency-managed mainstream media is a total inversion of the reality of the situation. The truth is that national security is being systematically undermined by those very institutions that are promoting supposed “threats to national security”. The only real threat to the national security of any country within the 21st century is the systematic infiltration by Fifth Column Globalists into the power structure of every nation state.

Whenever you hear the term ‘national security’ being used by a politician, or by a military or intelligence spokesperson, it is almost certain to be a misuse of the term, with no real cause for concern to the people of that nation, but only to corporate globalist interests.

In contrast, genuine national security issues, such as orchestrated mass migration, the poisoning of the populace through globalist consumer goods and ‘medicines’, and the destruction of small, independent and local businesses and trade, are a real clear and present danger, and are totally ignored by all those who are supposed to deal with national security.

The control of infrastructure and the supply of essential daily requirements for the populace, such as basic foods, lighting, heating, energy and transport, have now almost totally been handed over to the control of globalist multinationals.

As one core example of this undermining of essential national and regional infrastructure, Fifth Column Globalists have been working hard at the government level to close down all basic food businesses, which would continue to operate and source at the local level in such a situation as a war or a total shutting down of the globalist-owned multinational food companies.

Another example is the digitising of all telephone lines. Until now, many people all around the UK were connected by analogue telephone lines and telephones, which did not require the digital infrastructure to be in operation, in order for people to connect to each other when both were using a non-digital telephone.

All analogue telephone connections are now being closed down, which means that any corporation, hacker, or other enemy of the nation that gains control over the digital network can close down telephone communications between everyone in the country. When the solution to this serious national security threat – analogue lines and telephones – is actually what is being purposefully shut down by the government, it is abundantly obvious what is really going on.

Maintaining analogue lines and promoting the use of analogue telephones – at least as a reserve for use in emergencies – is a no-brainer for anyone involved in national security. This one example clearly illustrates that those in charge of national security in the UK are actively working against the security of the nation. Either that or they are all, without exception, as thick as two short planks. Perhaps both.


A century on from the inception of Fifth Column Globalism, it is clear to see that Fifth Column Globalist banksters, civil servants, GNOs, technocrats and media hacks – not elected officials who work for the people – now control national governments, construct national, regional and local policy, and undermine and attempt to destroy the ideas and careers of any democratically elected and genuine political representative of the people who dares to oppose globalist policy.

Fifth Column Globalists are controlled by their globalist puppet masters via one or more of three key methods – brainwashing, bribery and blackmail.


Most hardcore Fifth Column Globalists are either social psychopaths or proxy psychopaths who have been programmed since birth to religiously follow a doctrine, which dictates that certain bloodlines and character types (people without empathy) should rule over human society and the world.

Just as in any brainwashing cult or organised religion, very few globalists – who have been raised from birth, or mind controlled later in life to habitually believe in the dogma of globalism – will ever regain a significant enough level of conscious and critical thought to allow them to escape their extreme and often lifelong conditioning.

From the time at which the modern ‘alphabet agencies’ were formed, and with the employment of nazi scientists and doctors into their covert and clandestine black programs via ‘Operation Paperclip’ and ‘The Ratline’, mind control and brainwashing experiments have been undertaken on a huge scale, resulting in programs such as MK-ULTRA and Project Monarch, which were heavily involved in the kidnapping, enslavement, torture and murder of countless children and adults.

Entangled with these MILAB (military Laboratory) projects were the satanic cults that both controlled them and were influenced by them. Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is both are progenitor of these MILAB mind control experiments and an expanding consequence of them.

It is hard to estimate just how many children who were made into mind-controlled slaves of the satanic-globalist machine are currently both covertly and clandestinely operating within society – and particularly in positions of political, economic and social power – but we can presume that it is more than we might ever imagine, now that we have the evidence of so many testimonies by SRA survivors.

These victims of the most extreme mental, physical and sexual child abuse at the hands of their protected perpetrators, are coming forward in ever greater numbers to reveal the absolute reality of Satanic Ritual Abuse at the very highest levels of the social hierarchy. Only fools and liars now deny the existence of SRA once they have lifted their head out of the sand to hear the victims.

Those children who were mind-controlled or ideologically brainwashed, and who were of a more social psychopathic mindset went on to become true zealots of globalist dogma and the most loyal and dedicated servants of globalism, and are thereby also the Fifth Column Globalists who are given the highest positions of power within the infiltrated political, economic and social hierarchies.


Social psychopaths, proxy psychopaths and common narcissists all have a innate penchant for unbounded greed, and the globalists’ control of society’s banking machinery, hand-in-hand with their long-term hoarding of toxic wealth, provide an unending gravy train of ready money that acts as a perpetual carrot-on-a-stick temptation for wealth-addicted politicians, celebrities and other prospective agents and assets of globalism.

Anyone who is willing to sell their soul to the devil, or in other words, to sell their conscience to the ideology, agendas and satanic rituals of globalism, is obviously going to sell-out humanity for hard cash.

This is exactly the type of politician that you see being ‘selected’ to lead countries and push globalist policies. this is the so called scientist, doctor, historian, professor, actor, singer, musician, celebrity or influencer that you see doing the same. So long as they can sell the lie (act, deceive, fool, manipulate the people from a stage or on screen), they may be given any position of power as a Fifth Column Globalist. You simply need to be able to con people whilst keeping a straight face.

A typical under-the-table method used to financially pay-off a Fifth Column Globalist for their underhand service to the agendas of globalism, is to reward them with a highly lucrative role within the smorgasbord of globalist political gravy train options. Whether it’s the UN, the EU, the WHO, the WEF or any of the thousands of Fifth Column Globalist GNOs that now exist to undermine the nation state and traditional western values, the sell-out politician or professional has a myriad of opportunities to receive their laundered payment for being shills of globalism.

Other ways of paying off Fifth Column Globalists are by promoting their ‘charitable’ foundation, or by giving them executive roles in a multinational corporation (also known as the revolving door between government and business).

Yet another way is to provide them with normally ‘impossible’ payments for speaking engagements at globalist events, at which ‘retired’ Fifth Column Globalists, and particularly high profile Fifth Column Globalist politicians, can be paid anything up to $1 million for a single speech. Come on – seriously?


The tactic for controlling Fifth Column Globalists that has attracted the most attention from researchers of late, perhaps due to its highly criminal and shocking nature, is the tactic of blackmailing Fifth Column Globalists using the ‘honeypot’ method.

This can involve the recipient of the blackmail being filmed using hard drugs, but more usually involves one or more recordings being made of the recipient partaking in socially unacceptable and criminal sexual practices, and satanic events and rituals that often involve children, in connection to rape, gang rape, torture, murder and even cannibalism.

In the early and mid 20th century, it was enough to lure a politician, businessman, celebrity or other target of the globalists into a situation involving a prostitute or homosexual practice, particularly if the man was married, which was the norm at the time.

However, as the satanic-globalist agenda to ‘immoralise’ society progressed into the latter half of the century, the honeypot method was destined to become ever more extreme.

From the 1950s onwards, teenage boys and girls, children, and even toddlers and babies were kidnapped, trafficked and brainwashed, purely in order to be used as pawns in the agenda to blackmail potential and existing Fifth Column Globalists.

Some infamous examples of this underage and child honeypotting method of blackmail include: the Franklin scandal & the CIA ‘Finders’ cult; the UK’s Elm Guest House in Westminster abuse scandal; and the Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell trafficking and blackmail ring. There are literally countless others.

[For those who wish to inspect the abundant evidence regarding this blackmail tactic, your recommended reading begins with the superb two-volume book ‘One Nation Under Blackmail, The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein (2022)’  by the master researcher and author Whitney Alyse Webb.]

The testimonies of hundreds of survivors of SRA who were trafficked for use in this honeypotting practice, in order to blackmail all key individuals who hold positions of power, are now all available to research online.

From this highly corroborating testimonial evidence from survivor witnesses, it must be reasonably concluded that most if not almost all politicians of note at the national and international level, along with the same majority of people in the highest levels of entertainment, media, law and order, banking, business, the military, science, medicine and academia have been compromised in this way.


Fifth Column Globalism is now operating its endgame scenarios. It will either succeed, and all Nation States throughout the globe will be destroyed – either utterly or in all but name – to be replaced with a global dictatorship, or it will fail because enough of the human populace come to realise that the Nation State is essential to the diversity and prosperity of diverse and alternative political and social thought.

Nation States are a fundamental element for the continued existence and advancement of democracy and civilised freedoms, within a world in which the only serious threat of totalitarianism that humanity now faces is from the menace of toxic wealth, transnational corporations and globalist politics.

See more important new definitions
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at the New Moral Order™ Lexicon.

